Easter in Sorrento: feel the charm and pathos of holy processions.

The traditional processions of the Holy Friday is the most impressive and ancient manifestation of Sorrentine Peninsule emerged and become popular for their character of deep religious compassion and extraordinary local folkore.There are about 15 processions among the streets of all the towns of Peninsule from Vio Equense to Massa Lubrense. Start from the sunset of the Holy Thursday to the Holy Friday night which precede Easter.

A little bit of Sorrento coast procession history

All the processions have an identical process in common regarding the symbolic objects carried by participants: the style of their robes – differing only in colour depending on the brotherhood, with preference given to white for the processions held at dawn on Good Friday and black for those held later that evening. In addition, the poignant chorus of the Miserere, with the musical band at the head of the processional cortège performing the famous funeral march from Chopin’s Opus 35. The current day processions recall those in Spain, influenced by the Spanish viceroys that reigned over Naples at the end of the 1600s and who, mostly via the Jesuits, numerous on the peninsula at the time, worked to disseminate this penitential rite typical of the Spanish Counter-Reformation. Crosses, the hammer and nails, the crown of thorns, bloodstained whips, the sponge soaked in vinegar, the Veil of Veronica, spears, dice, the cockerel, objects reminiscent of the Passion and Death of Christ known as the “martiri”, alternate in the sombre light of torches and lamps, creating an unnerving atmosphere of remembrance and mysticism in the silent crowd of spectators. In the morning the statue of the Madonna is borne in procession, representing the Mother searching for her Son. In the evening, Our Lady of Sorrows, mourning the end of her Son’s life on earth, is accompanied by an effigy of the Dead Christ.

White and Black Sorrento processions

Around thirty processions are held in the peninsula. To discuss all of them would be lengthy and tedious. The best known in Sorrento are: the “White Procession” held in the early hours of Good Friday, organized by the Archbrotherhood of Santa Monica from the Church of the Annunziata and the “Black Procession” of the Archbrotherhood of the Servi di Maria held in the evening. Also fascinating are those of Vico Equense, with the hooded procession in purple robes organized by the Archbrotherhood of the Assunta, the procession organized by the Holy Trinity of Piano di Sorrento in red, and the “Black Procession” of the Archbrotherhood della Morte e Orazione, also in Piano di Sorrento. All the processions, however, have their own charm, highlighting a moment of faith, albeit an exterior demonstration, combined with the culture typical of our local area.